Fables: Stories of Hope and Light Anthology

Fables: Stories of Hope and Light Anthology

Have you ever wanted to be part of a whimsical and wondrous anthology that points readers back to Jesus while embracing all of the very best elements of the fantasy genre?

That is exactly what Fables: Stories of Hope and Light promises to be!

Two of my author friends, Havelah McLat and Jannette Fuller, have teamed up to create this beautiful opportunity for writers and readers. If you have a whimsical fantasy tale in mind, check out all of the submission details below, and if you're a reader who loves cozying up with this kind of book, keep an eye out for its release in January of 2024!

Havelah and Jannette have also both shared what the heart behind the anthology is for each of them:

"My heart for the anthology is giving writers the opportunity to reach those who need stories they can relate to. To have a compilation of words filled with love, hope, and light. And the supernatural (sprinkles of wonderment).   -- Jannette


"Well, the truth is I feel we could use some good stories because right now, people need something to escape to, yet still appreciate the beauty of clean fiction. We are not shying away from struggles and serious things, but always turn to the One who creates all things for good and for His glory. Plus, we need more storytellers who have love for creativity and imagination."    -- Havelah



If you have any other questions, you can contact Jannette and Havelah on Instagram: @jannettefullerwriter & @havelahmclatwriter

I can't wait to read all of the wonderful stories in this anthology, and I know God is going to use each one to encourage every reader who finds this book in their hands! Thank you to Jannette and Havelah for taking the time to create it!


P.S. Before you go: if whimsical fantasy is your kind of read, please check out my books, Penelope Grace and the Winter Carousel and Chip and the Book of Rose Leaves in my online store! 

Everything is 15% off (with $5 minimum) for the entire month of July, and all bookmarks, art prints, & stickers ship for free.

Click the links above or the menu on this page!

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